In a not too distant Milky Way galaxy nests a little solar system called Sol System.

It races around the galaxy on its 4.5 billion years-long journey with a star called Sol at its center.

The system contains 9 major planetary bodies, each with its own unique characteristics and remarkable beauty.

This series of artworks depicts something that has been hidden from the naked eyes, the beauty of our solar system.

”One is able to see the details such as color gradients, textures, patterns of alien landscapes illustrated,” Maija says.

The series SOL consists of 10 paintings in a mixed medium on canvas. The artworks maintain a 1:1 aspect ratio at 60 x 60 cm dimensions throughout.

To emphasize the darkness and emptiness of the space the series uses a black pigment that absorbs 99 percent of the visible light, invented by British artist Stuart Semple.

The paintings of the solar system bodies in the series:

“SOL 0” - Sun

”SOL 1” - Mercury

“SOL 2” - Venus

”SOL 3” - Earth

“SOL 4” - Mars

”SOL 5” - Jupiter

“SOL 6” - Saturn

”SOL 7” - Neptune

”SOL 8” - Uranus

”SOL 9” - Pluto

Digital Collage based on the works from the series “SOL”

Digital Collage based on the works from the series “SOL”